FXhome HitFilm Ultimate 2.0.1618.47977 (x64) | Size : 169.8 MB
Visual Effects:
- Create stunning, organic, fractal animations with hundreds of thousands of particles. The shapes can even animate automatically to music.
- 3D physics. Dynamic forces. Multiple collision deflectors. HitFilm 2 Ultimate’s cutting edge particle simulator rivals anything else on the market.
- Age your video with realistic film & TV damage, lens dirt, artificial grain, automatic shake and optical flow motion blur.
- Design your own lens flares and have them lock automatically to the brightest parts of your frame. Create volumetric light rays and anamorphic streaks for beautiful lens effects.
- Shatter your videos and images into thousands of 3D fragments, add realistic gunfire to your props, create electrical storms and splash blood across your lens.
Video editing:
- Everything together in one place. Switch between efficient non-linear editing and advanced visual effects at any time, without changing interface. It'll change the way you think about post.
- Ripple, roll, slip, slide, transitions. Unlimited video and audio tracks. Timeline volume & opacity graphs. Responsive trimming.
- Over 20 plug-ins for color correction and grading. Export high quality HD video or upload direct to YouTube from inside HitFilm — couldn't be easier.
Homepage - hitfilm.com/ultimate
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